4 comments on “#EventProfs Chats- Retiring

  1. Hi Brandt, Qrio.us would be interested in taking over the chat. I’ll send you a linkedin request.

  2. This is really unfortunate. It is sad that no one has commented. I participated in the Wolfgang Puck Catering chat and it was embarrassing that hardly anyone turned up. I am one of the moderators who volunteered to facilitate a chat and no one showed up. I am preparing a blog post about this. I will keep you posted.

    • Thanks, Anne. It is unfortunate indeed, and as I kind of expected the reaction to my announcement has been minimal. Communities form and dissolve on their own, and you can’t will a community into existence. I’m going to concentrate my efforts on the EAS community now and see what we can build there! Thank you so very much for all your support, and all the chats you attended over the years!

  3. Pingback: Is Social Media Becoming Less Social? | Standby.

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